Nov 3, 2008

This movement emerged as an alternative to a society dominated by the reason. When Romanticism appeared it is a clear fact, some authors say that it started in the 1760s and ended after 50 years (1830s), in the other side it is possible to find some experts who say romanticism were presented 90 years, between 1760 and 1850. this movement changed the artistic world, the website says : “Romanticism transformed poetry, the novel, drama, painting, sculpture, all forms of concert music (especially opera), and ballet ” That artistic movement had a lot of relevance n The United States, romantic ideals could stimulated the political revolution in 1776.
Some of the most important exponents in the British Romanticism were Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Percy B. Shelley, John Keats and Lord Byron. these romantic exponent were very educated people, for example: Samuel Taylor Coleridge were poet, philosopher and critic , then it is possible to mentioned to Percy Bysshe Shelley who spent some time in Oxford and the he had a closed relationship with a philosopher.
When a romantic poem is read, the reader can see an image full of imagination, a beautiful picture plenty of nature with supernatural characteristics. Romanticism mixes the world’s nature and the human being’s nature, it give us transcendence by the union between men and women and mountains, rains, animals or plants , among other natural elements. Poets tended to write about the relationship between humans and the nature, showing a lot of consideration with who were the artists. Another really important element in romanticism is imagination as says “The imagination was elevated to a position as the supreme faculty of the mind. This contrasted distinctly with the traditional arguments for the supremacy of reason. The Romantics tended to define and to present the imagination as our ultimate "shaping" or creative power, the approximate human equivalent of the creative powers of nature or even deity” , in other words imagination makes us something similar to God with the faculty of create a reality.
In order to understand what romanticism means it is really important to analisis a poem full of natural elements, Kubla Khan or, a Vision In a Dream by Samuel Taylor Coleridge this poem gives us a lot of images which mix real natural features and supernatural elements which give us a huge enjoyment, the author was able to described us a virgin, beautiful place, a virgin land, were human beings were totally absent. Then Coleridge shows to the reader how negative or positive can be our emotion, how changeable we can be in comparison with the nature. Because the character of the poem was at some moment positively surprised, then he felt frightful and very small when he compared himself with the nature. This poem was full of magic images as “honey-dew hath” or “milk of Paradise.” these elements are gifts of the nature and make this poem a brilliant one. In some way this poem could be result of the opium in the author’s mind, but it could not care less when readers have the chance of read it.
In sum, romanticism change the world in some ways, gave us an alternative to the rational thinking, it gave us the possibility of create a new world full of nature and the plesure that nature can gives us. Romanticism mix the every day life with our dreams and this was the reason of the analisis that is presents in this essay, living a dream as the main character did, that was the life that this movement offered us, a world without any bounder.

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