Nov 17, 2008

Romanticism (Final adition)


The world has known many different ways or expressing felling, motions or historical issues, from the very beging, cavemen by their cave paintings, until today with many people express themselves by Pop-Art or taking works from the past. One of these movements is romantics. It covered different ways of art: philosophy, visual arts, music and literature.

Romantics could be seen as a result of the changes that were presented in the XVIII century, including French revolution and its new ideas. On the other hand, romanticism has their roots in two very different countries. Germany and Britain, then it were spread for the rest of Europe, and in a short time this movement arrives in United States.

There are many important artists who were role models. In this movement it possible to find some of the best musicians of the history: Ludwig Van Beethoven and his symphonies; Frederic Chopin and his concertos and Richard Wagner and Operas. Visual arts had a lot of changes, based in their exponent. In England was Joseph Mallord William Turner (Ivy Bridge,1813), France was represented by Ferdinand Victor Eugène Delacroix (Liberty Leading the People, 1830) and Spain had a Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes (Los fusilamientos de la montaña del Príncipe Pío, 1814) as a role model. Finally in literature we can find a lot of great writers of poems and novels.

When we look for he elements of this way of expression are, we can find a huge topic which derive in two topics. The first one is the relation between humankind and nature and this idea moves on the Greatness of nature, including extraordinary features, on the other hand, romanticism describe how human feel, how they express their felling.

This painting is a good way to understand what romanticism is. The Beauty and immensity of nature and the relation with humankind, this relationship is present in the following picture called Wanderer above the Sea of Fog by Caspar David Friedrich

Finally, when romanticism is discribed, it is impossible to forget poetry. Romanticism had presented two main role model, Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Lord Byron. They intruduced a new writen style as Poe did in United Stated. These poets discribe the humans’ felling , focused in bad humans’ emotion (fear, sadness, etc), on the other side Coleridge and Byron created natural beautifull images.

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