Sep 23, 2008

The Rocking-Horse Winner

For me this short story is very comtemporany in its topic, there are lots of peolple who preffer live in a unconfortable way instead of lose their social status. I Think that the house’s voice was their need of being rich and live as the upper do, this senteces told me how ambitious can human be: “"There MUST be more money! There MUST be more money!"”, i feel this voice was the mother’s disire of have more and more. This necesity was so strong that corrupt to a boy and that is the reason why the boy wanted to be lucky, wanted to have money, to show his mother that he can lucky and he can help her.

Sep 10, 2008

stories in the industrial revolution

When I read "The Signal-Man" I could see much isolation, I felt that the main character was complety alone,as well as Oliver Twist who was an orphan.
Both stories showed us a problem in those time, the revolution changed the way that industries produced goods, but also changed how people lived. Peolple from the country-side left their home and looked up an space in big cities. This change produce overcrowed among the working class.Today it is possible to see similar situations among poor imigrant or our working class, this problem has suvirved hundred of years in the third world.

Sep 1, 2008

Frankesstein and Mary Shelley

The first point which is really important in order to contrast Mari Shelley’s life and Frankenstein’s is about the relationship with the environment. Both were educated by the experience and without any guide. Mary’s mother died before her adolescences and the monster was abandoned by his creator. The author and the creation were educated by books, imitation and their own experience.

Another point that is possible to see in the Shelley and the 8-feet being is that they felt rejected by their environments. The clearest example of this rejection is the relation that Shelley had with her father, on the other side the doctor Victor Frankenstein felt so disappointed with his creation, for that reason the intelligent man spent much time with his creation.

In conclusion they were educated by themselves and with nobody to help them